Dr. David Saldaña
Medical Specialist in Thoracic Surgery
30 years of experience as a thoracic surgeon with more than 10,000 interventions performed. Doctoral Thesis at the University of Alcalá de Henares. June 2002. Qualification: Outstanding “cum laude” Unanimity. Title of Medical Specialist in Thoracic Surgery. 1997. Ramón y Cajal Hospital. Madrid. Master in Medical Management and Clinical Management. National School of Health. 2007.
Acting President and Vice President thoracic surgeon of Neumomadrid since 2016-17. Lung Transplant Coordinator. Ramón y Cajal Hospital. 2002-2005. Professor and coordinator of Thoracic Surgery. European University of Madrid. Lung Transplant Coordinator. Ramon y Cajal Hospital. 2002-2005. More than 500 scientific publications, communications and book chapters.
Tutor of MIR resident doctors . Ramón y Cajal Hospital for 5 years. Training in the Thoracic Surgery Department of the Massachusetts General Hospital (Harvard University). Boston. Training at the Thoracic Surgery Department of Lund Hospital. Sweden. Member of the main national and international medical scientific societies. (SEPAR, SECT, ESTS, ERS, International College of Surgeons). National Award for Research in Surgery. 2000.